Sunday, May 10, 2020

Pasca Covid 19 dan New Normal of life

Covid 19 is the current pandemic virus that had spread throughout the countries in the world in 2020. But let me start with fresh greet to all of you who have read this as I am not update the blog for a quite sometimes.

The world is affect with the new kind of virus, don't know where actually it came from and how it start. But whatever it is, peoples shown mixed emotions about it. Let us spread the feeling of concern and safety about ourselves during this period of time. Stay safe, stay at home, keep distancing and keep clean.

New Normal is happening right now. New way of life, but the most important thing is to put yourself have faith and pray for the better of life and hereafter.

Covid-19 Masih Mengganas di Malaysia

 Assalamualaikum dan Salam kasih kepada semua. Setahun lebih telah berlalu posting yang saya published iaitu tahun lepas. Tidak banyak masa,...